About Us

A Reiki Session Will Have YOU FEELING Better About Yourself Than Any Material Purchase You Have Ever Made! Reiki Gives You Exactly What You Need! It Directs your Sub-Conscious To ACT In Accordance with Your Life’s Purpose. That Means Healing Your Physical Body & Emotional Being So You Can Achieve Everything You’re Meant To !!! For a beautifully comprehensive and fast explanation of Reiki you can watch "Just What Is Reiki?" @ http://youtu.be/gDzgbFlO4pI

As a Physical Healer, My work helps everything physical (cuts, bumps, strains , breaks, stitches and surgeries) to heal faster, cleaner and stronger, As an Emotional Healer , I can facilitate your dumping Fear, Regret or Guilt, Take back your Power, Dignity and enhance your self worth? Find your focus, your Courage, See yourself as your loved ones see you? Remove the Negative and fill the vacuum with The Absolute Positive before entropy fills it up with more debilitating garbage. Reiki is an opportunity to make the corrections you require to achieve your life's potential That's what I do.

As a Lightworker and scholar I am a key resource towards the understanding and achievement of Personal, Spiritual, Social & Global Evolution. Metaphysically I have been in service since 1988. Initially, I practiced Reiki and I became a Usui Reiki Master. I am studied, practiced in and have experienced dozens of differently named Ki, Chi, Prana Energy Healing Modalities. As a Mystery School Teacher and Master I have & continue to use sacred knowledge to grow, understand, survive, share & teach. I hold a double Honors BA in Communications & Political Science As well as MA Grad studies at The McLuhan Institute, Ryerson and York University,

We Are An Indigo Information Hub & Gathering Place for Personal Spiritual Social & Global Evolution. Offering Energy, Crystal & Etheric Healing Sessions – One of a Kind Charged & Specifically Attuned Healing Gems & Crystal Jewelry – Discussions & Presentations & Courses Concerning Healing, Metaphysics, Numerology, Kabbalah & Alchemy