About Us

Women’s Centre of York Region was founded in 1977 as a non-profit organization serving the women of York Region. Our mission is to bring hope, support and learning to women on their journey of self-discovery and empowerment in order for them to thrive personally, socially and economically.

Our clients come from York Region. The majority of women seeking our help are women who have experienced violence, have limited income, have low participation rates in the labour market, or experience other barriers that make it difficult for them to contribute to their communities and live their lives to full potential. Any woman in need of assistance has access to our programs and support. We meet each woman right where she is and we take a holistic approach to working with her, building the confidence and skills to transition her from hopelessness to possibility.

Unlike any other organization in York Region, our programs and services are offered at no cost. We are leaders in designing and delivering learning that creates positive transformation, and our programs are designed to foster meaningful action in participants.

Operating from an anti-oppressive, anti-racist, feminist framework we believe that investing in women and their futures makes an impact not only on their lives but in the lives if their families and surrounding community.


· Your mom, sister, daughter, aunt, friend, neighbour or co-worker might be our client

· Average age of our client is 44

· 65% are mothers and 21% are single mothers with children under the age of 18

· 58% report challenges with their emotional and/or mental health

· 50% report financial stress

· 40% are low income (by York Region standards) and 40% are in receipt of some kind of social assistance, often as a result of life changes when they left an abusive relationship

· 29% are dependent on family or spouses to make ends meet

· 27% are dealing with emotional abuse

· 22% report social isolation