About Us

Water is one of the most important ingredients in life. With over 70% of our bodies made up of water, it plays a key role in everyone’s existence, and that’s not something we take lightly. At Water Depot, we've made it our business to provide clients with clean, clear water so they can get the most out of life. Our products are suited for every need. Improve water quality with treatment options like: water softeners, iron filters and reverse osmosis systems. Ultraviolet water and ultraviolet air purifiers are also available to diminish bacteria and contaminants. For added convenience, Water Depot also supplies bottled water, water on tap, water coolers, dispensers and home disinfection systems. Wherever you use water - from your home - to the office – to your hot tub or spa, Water Depot can help.     

The demand for clean drinking water has always been prominent in our society. High quality water treatment systems such as reverse osmosis, ultraviolet treatment, and water softeners etc. are important tools that ensure clean, clear water. Softeners are very popular among Ontario homeowners due to the number of benefits it can offer. Having a water treatment system from Water Depot, such as a softener, can give you cleaner clothes, dishes, sinks and bathtubs while using less soap. Plus, having a softener can save you up to 29% on your water heating bills.

Water Depot is committed to providing effective water treatment systems in Ontario that are capable of treating iron from water. Our water softeners and other products are made of premium materials that are made to last long and perform effectively. Our customers include households on well and city water resources, commercial applications, business facilities and farms in Ontario.Water Depot’s list of reliable products allows customers to enjoy the highest level of water quality. If you’re looking for a superior water treatment system in Ontario, Water Depot has it. Trust Water Depot for all of our water treatment options in Ontario. For iron treatment, reverse osmosis or water softeners, Water Depot specializes in offering Ontario clients with premium water coolers and water treatment systems.