About Us

The "Hedge Witch" means "Wise Woman Healer." Representing Native, Christian, Eastern and Wiccan philosophy. Owner Diane says "we want to help people find their spiritual paths." There is an undertone of quiet celebration here that worships the Earth Mother and as a result, the items here are largely born of the earth. You will find an abundance of stones, crystals, handmade crafts, jewelry and a unique selection of loose herbs such as Camphor Crystals, Pennyroyal Herb, Lady's Mantle, Angelica Root, Golden Seal Root and many more. "Everything we carry has a positive energy and is meant to aid in the achievement of clarity of thought. If a person can find stronger focus by lighting a candle, burning incense or brewing a tea, then they can feel more empowered and find greater inner peace and harmony", explains Diane. You can have a tarot card reading or sit with a clairvoyant and hear what your spirits and guides have to tell you.