About Us

The Emerald Ash Borer has made its debut into many southern and central parts of Ontario.

Unfortunately without treatment, the ash tree population will not survive. The Emerald Ash Borer works quickly and efficiently at performing its role in killing the ash trees. Millions of trees have already been killed, and millions more will be killed by this invasive beetle.

It is estimated that in Southern Ontario Over 20% of the forests are Ash trees!

Over the past decade we have learned a lot about the Emerald Ash Borer, and because of the potential loss, rightfully so.  A lot of resources and funding is being placed into this invasive and destructive insect.

One of the pieces of newer information is the so-called “exponential death curve”.

The curve shows where a specific city, county or region is in its infestation. This timeline can help local officials determine how to treat trees.  City managers of urban forests are well aware of this, but many homeowners may not be.

The curve shows how infestation starts slowly, but at a certain point, kicks in and suddenly becomes very destructive.   Historical results in all areas which had infestation follow the same pattern, which shows the infestation beginning progressing slowly for the first six to eight years.

After being infested for six to eight years, less than 10 percent of trees typically have died.  Note that this is aproximately where we are today in Toronto and the York region.

But that number in all cases began to rise very quickly, over the next two years the death rate was at about 20%, or doubling in only two years!  Four years later this level was at around 80% and after an additional two years was at 100%.

This "death curve" is well known in the industry and repeats itself over and over again.  The only answer to protect your ash trees is to have them treated.

We use TreeAzin or Confidor for the Emerald Ash Borer Treatment.

    We are offering control and treatment of the Emerald Ash Borer in your area. We have ISA Certified Arborists who also are Ontario Licensed Pesticide Applicators treating ash trees for the Emerald Ash Borer. While many are offering removal, we offer what we think is a more reasonable solution. Cost/Benefit Analysis shows it is frequently, more often than not in fact, more economical and logical to save your mature ash tree than remove it. We offer treatment with Confidor and TreeAzin products, and provide money back Guarantee on our work*. Many may jump at removal, thinking it to be the only option without really understanding the costs or benefits. Fully Licensed & Insured. All workers covered by WSIB. Serving North GTA, York, Richmond Hill, Newmarket, Aurora and surrounding areas.

    Keep in mind… the EAB spread quickly and leaves slowly. In order to protect your trees you must treat them every second year.

    *written guarantee outlines conditions