About Us

Karen, founder of Life With Symmetry, has had a constant interest in life and how we relate with it and has explored many ways in her efforts to discover how we can live following the easiest path in life. Karen now looks to share the tools and techniques that will support you in your journey of self and life.

As an experienced Adult Educator, certified Life Coach and Reiki Master Teacher, Karen delivers one on one sessions and workshops designed to make YOU more powerful and realize you are so much more than your physical self.

Using Karen’s natural gifts as an intuitive medium and her own experiences, Karen will work with you as your Soul Mentor and Spiritual teacher to understand the Why’s in your life. Clarity leads to understanding. Whether your intention is gaining insight into a particular life issue or looking for what blocks you and creates negative patterns in your life, new awareness helps you to move through those perceived blockages, and to see them for what they are, an opportunity for further growth and advancement of your soul.

A session with Karen involves a blend of intuitive mediumship, spiritual counselling and healing techniques and tools designed especially for you enabling you to release the patterns and thoughts that get in the way of living your Life With Symmetry.