Active Green + Ross

10 years ago

I was impressed with them as they were able to balance my tires when no one else could but, come the end of the year, I went there to have my summer tires/rims removed and my snows put on. They bagged the summer tires, I unloaded them to my garage without looking at them. Come spring, I had a flat early in the spring, decided to just do my swap myself. When I took my tires out of the bag, one had a dent on it. I brought it to the owners attention, no response. Tried again, no response. I am 100% certain my tires had no dents on the rims, I am a car fanatic, did not drop of my car with a dent on the rim, when G&R got them in the fall, they were not damaged. I am guessing a tool or something fell on them while they sat on the floor. So, for now and ever, I am reminded of G&R and some mechanics carelessness. I gain nothing by telling everyone, of course they deny, but there are two people that know different, myself and the person at G&R who did the damage. Shame....